Download this in document form- WCOA Year In Review 2012-13.
Organizational Activities:
June 2, 2012 – Signed ICC Building Safety Month Proclamation
July 23, 2012 – Joined the Coalition for Current Safety Codes (CCSC)
The goal of the Coalition is to preserve and strengthen the system we have built in the United States that has delivered the highest standard of building safety in the world. The Coalition is undertaking a plan of action to educate the public and advocate on behalf of the adoption of the most up-to-date building, fire, energy, electrical, and other safety codes. Taking these steps will:
- Safeguard public health, safety and welfare
- Enhance economic development through the use of state of the art technology in materials research, design and construction practices, and risks/hazards to the public in buildings and structures;
- Reinforce the building regulatory system and provide consistent and predictable levels of building performance and safety, and;
- Advance innovation to keep our building industry at the forefront of modern construction.
November 14, 2012 – Conducted joint training seminar (WCOA’s 1st training seminar) with Southeastern Wisconsin Building Inspectors Association on the American Wood Council’s Design for Code Acceptance (DCA-6) prescriptive residential deck construction guide.
March 1, 2013–Renewed membership to the Alliance for Regulatory Coordination (ARC) as a “Classic” Member (WCOA Initiative: Continued work with ARC Fire Safety Team to advance a proposal to require state wide permitting and inspections of commercial buildings).
May 1, 2013– Submitted Building Safety Month Proclamationto International Code Council (ICC)
Legislative Activities:
January 31, 2013 – Submitted proposals to Department of Safety & Professional Services (Greg Gasper) which would help streamline the “delegated agent” program and eliminate the overlap of rules between departments
February 12, 2013 – Continued opposition to Commercial Building Code Min/Max Code proposal as proposed. Drafted “white paper” on Min/Max proposal, distributed state wide
March 6, 2013 – Submitted opposition letter to SB72/AB77 – 6 year review of the Uniform Dwelling Code
Code Development Activities:
Continued work on a proposal to permit the AHJ to accept plans for buildings designed to a more current version of the I-Codes without DSPS involvement. Proposal submitted to Alliance for Regulatory (ARC) Coordination on 9/20/13
7/19/13 – Submitted report to ARC on benefits of transitioning to ICC’s International Residential Code (IRC)
July 8-9, 2013 – WCOA’s 2nd training Seminar – Disaster Response Training Institute in Milwaukee
Other news:
Held (3) Membership Meetings (3/1/13, 4/24/13, 9/25/13 (Annual Meeting))
Held (4) Board of Directors Meetings (1/8/13, 5/17/13, 8/19/13 (“E” meeting), 9/25/13)
Conducted (1) Membership vote on SB 32 “white paper” utilizing Survey Monkey
WCOA Representatives were in attendance at all Alliance for Regulatory Coordination Meetings
9/12/13 – WCOA Representatives attended Uniform Dwelling Code Council Meeting
4/13 – Entered into discussions with Wisconsin Emergency Management on the topic of having WCOA form a “Mission Ready” (Disaster) Rapid Response Team for Wisconsin.
9/25/13 – Launched new WCOA website