WCOA is the first state-wide organization in Wisconsin with a membership consisting of a broad-based group of Code officials. WCOA was founded by a group of Code Officials who believed an improved system was needed to allow for effective communication between all disciplines of Code Officials in Wisconsin. These same individuals also realized that many Wisconsin Code Officials are not able to truly represent their position due to their jurisdictional affiliation or organizational membership structure.

One important difference between WCOA and other organizations is that every “Active” member of WCOA votes and represents only himself/herself. WCOA also provides an opportunity for Code Officials from all governmental entities and private inspection agencies to have input. That is paramount to our mission which is stated as follows:

“The mission of the Wisconsin Code Officials Alliance (WCOA) is to provide all Code Officials with a professional forum to advance quality and safety in the built environment, through active participation in code development and rule making processes, public outreach, and the reasonable and uniform application of adopted construction codes and standards.”