Interested in Joining WCOA?

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Four classifications for memberships are offered:

Active Member: Any person who serves as a code official of a Wisconsin municipality, unit of local government or State Agency. Active Members may vote, hold office on the Board of Directors, chair committees and participate in any manner afforded to other classes of membership. [$40 annual dues]

Associate Member: Any person who has an interest in pursuing the purposes and objectives of WCOA, but who is not eligible to become an Active Member.  Associate Members may  vote, hold office on the Board of Directors, chair committees serve on committees, speak at meetings and share the benefits of WCOA membership and participate in any manner afforded to other classes of membership. [$40 annual dues]

Supporting Member: Any company, association or organization who has an interest in pursuing the purposes and objectives of WCOA.  Supporting Members may speak at meetings and share the benefits of WCOA membership.  Supporting Members may not vote or hold office, but may serve on and Chair a committee.  Any company, association or organization that joins WCOA as a supporting member shall designate a member of their organization as its delegate to WCOA.  Only the designated delegate member may share the benefits of WCOA membership. [$175 annual dues]

Honorary Member: Any person who has retired from service as a code official to whom an honorarium has been conferred upon for outstanding service to the Wisconsin Code Officials Alliance organization or toward the attainment of its purposes and objectives.  Honorary Members shall receive the same benefits as an Active Member and shall not be subject to payment of dues.
